My name is James Hash. I am 29 years old and I’m from Middlesboro, KY.

I was a happy child and had a pretty normal childhood. In school, I excelled at sports and academics. At high school age, I started hanging around the wrong people and I dropped out of high school. I was a functional addict and was able to work. After a couple failed relationships, my addiction became overwhelming. I knew I had a problem when I couldn’t stop.

I used opiates. I’ve done everything from meth, Suboxone, Subutex, heroin — just about anything I could get my hands on. Opana was my monster. I also used Xanax all day long to escape reality.

I was raised in church. When I got of age, I found the ways of the world and I put Him on the back burner for a very, very long time. I was put in jail numerous times. I had jail house religion. You know, “I’m in a tight spot”, “Get me out of here”. For all the wrong reasons, I brought up His name.

When it got real bad, the depression sunk in. I tried suicide. I did a big shot of dope, ate a bunch of Xanax, got in a bath tub and I laid open my left arm. God saw fit to not let me kill myself. God knew I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. He knows my heart. He knows everything about me.

When I got arrested the last time, I was looking at 15 years of prison. The Judge sent me to long-term rehab – not short-term rehab, but long-term rehab. God knew what I needed. The Judge sent me to Willisburg, KY, to Isaiah House. I agreed to it to get out of jail. I was able to stay in the long-term program because of an Operation UNITE voucher.

I graduated from the program on July 29, 2017.