Educating patients who are taking opioid medication, and empowering parents or caregivers whose child is prescribed an opioid, are important tools to help curb the misuse of opioids and turn back our country’s addiction epidemic.

How it works

1. Text RXAWARE to 55753.

2. Answer a short series of questions about your own or a loved one’s pain management goals.

3. Receive personalized messages to keep you and your family safe while managing pain.

Be a part of RxAWARE

With support from Walmart, Operation UNITE has partnered with Partnership to End Addiction to promote this public awareness campaign across the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Other states participating in the pilot program – announced July 12, 2022 – are Iowa, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

Kick-Off Zoom

A Kick-Off Zoom meeting for valued partners was held Tuesday, August 9, 2022. If you were unable to be part of this event, but would like to help spread news about RxAware. you can learn more by viewing the meeting by clicking on the link below.

As a valued partner, you can share news of this science-based program that empowers, informs, and educates patients who are prescribed opioids or considering non-opioid alternatives for pain management, as well as their loved ones.

Partners also can participate in media interviews (as available and appropriate) and educational webinars for your communities and constituencies.

To learn more, contact Liz Cairns, Director of External Partnerships for Partnership to End Addiction, at lcairns@toendaddiction.org.

To contact Operation UNITE, email UNITE@centertech.com.